Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Reading Room

My friend, Shay, recently introduced me to the world of audiobooks. I had never listened to an audiobook before, and when I saw Tina Fey's Bossy Pants in Shay's car, I asked her if I could borrow it. I learned two things from my first audiobook experience: 1.) I love them! 2.) I spend way too much time in the car.

I listened to a five and a half hour audiobook in three days! That's insane. The worst part is that I wasn't on a trip or even driving a long distance. I listened to Bossy Pants to and from my house when going to work and the gym where I teach Zumba. If you have a long commute, I highly recommend audiobooks!

I have to admit, I've never been a huge fan of Tina Fey. I liked her on Weekend Update on SNL, and I really enjoyed Mean Girls, but I'm not crazy about 30 Rock. After reading this book though, I have a new appreciation for her talent. The fact that she is actually reading the story is the best part about this audiobook. Inflection and humor are in all the right places, and I found myself laughing out loud in my car (I'm sure other drivers thought I was crazy). The book flows so smoothly from her childhood to her early improv days to SNL to 30 Rock to family life, and before you know it, you've spent five and a half hours listening to Tina Fey while sitting in rush hour traffic.

Overall, the book has minimal foul language, and lots of laughs. I recommend it (particularly on audiobook) if you're looking for some mindless, entertaining material. If you have other audiobooks that you recommend, please pass them my way!

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