Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Beginnings

This week was a big week for me. I left a job that I've called home for the last two years, and I entered into the unknown territory of teaching a 4th grade class. Yep, you read that right, 4th grade. Now, before you get concerned, remember that I've been working with high school seniors for the last two years. As crazy as it seems, there are very few differences between an 18-year-old and a 10-year-old!

In my last two years at the University of Charleston, I've made a ton of lifelong friends. For instance, one of my former coworkers will become my brother-in-law next July. It doesn't get much more lifelong than that! It's hard to walk away from something that you feel familiar or comfortable with. It's also hard to walk away from coworkers who often feel more like family than just people you work with (below you'll see pictures from my going away dinner). I've been blessed over the last two years to call UC my home.

But, when it's time to go, it's time to go.

As my new boss said to me when I took on the role of teaching 4th grade, "When you feel convicted about a change, it's best to pray about it and then take action." That's exactly what I did, and I feel convinced that God is leading me down the right path for me. There are a lot of unknown variables that lie ahead, but I know that He will provide for me when the time is right.

Although it was a sad week, it was also a happy week. A time for change and a time for new beginnings. I hope that your week was equally exhilarating. If not, maybe it's time to pray about a change!

My husband, Justin, and my future brother-in-law, Chris

 We're all former UC employees now! Top: Meghann, Lynsey & myself. Bottom: Chris & Beth

 Shay Slifko, International Admissions! Sweetest girl you'll ever meet!

 Beth, myself, and Lynsey. Jen was creeping in the background :)

Two of my favorites! Lynsey and Justin

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