Friday, April 22, 2011

Emma's Graduation Edition

I know I've been slacking on my posting lately. I confessed to some of my closest confidants (aka my sisters and a BFF) that I felt like I was slowing down on my blogging because no one seemed interested. At first, it really took off, and then it started to die down. I assumed people were getting tired of hearing from me, and my confidants assured me this wasn't true. If you ARE one of those that's tired of hearing from me, I apologize. But, I have to give the people what they want :)

And the people just so happen to want a post about my sister! My youngest sister, Emma, told me that she loved my blog, but that I don't talk about her enough. So, I thought I would devote this post to her, particularly considering the fact that she graduates from college in just three short weeks. Three weeks! And she'll be a college graduate! I remember when she was born... wow.

Emma in her high school days... before bangs and dark hair!

Emma has always been... (what's a nice word?)... determined. When we were little, she was down right mean (and she's even kind of mean now!). I like to consider that maybe she wasn't mean, maybe she just knew what she wanted in life. And Lindsay and I were in her way :) Growing up, we knew her as Katie. In fact, everyone knew her as Katie. Her name is Emma Katherine, and Katie was what my mom wanted to call her when she was born. When she left for college, she became Emma. It's a pretty name, but man was it hard to catch on. I think everyone except my husband calls her Emma now. He politely refuses, and I think she accepts it.

Doesn't she look lovely on the beach?! Summer 2009

Long ago, Emma decided she wanted to be a dentist. I have no idea why. We have a great family dentist, (in fact, I think he's one of the best), but in no way was she ever one of those kids that absolutely LOVED the dentist. This career path came out of nowhere, but once she set her mind to it, she just went for it. I mean, the girl majored in Biology. Only the crazy and/or mentally ill follow such a path in life! But she's done awesome. No matter what happens next in her life, she's accomplished so much more than I ever could in the last four years.

She has always been such a beauty... she gets it from her mom!

In addition to her Biology major, she's worked as a resident advisor in the dorms for the last three years. In her time as an RA, she has seen more (and put up with more) than I could have ever imagined with a busy schedule. I mean, can you imagine being "in charge" of rowdy college kids? Seriously, I could get into some pretty intense stories, but I'm sure there's some kind of HIPAA violation involved with that...

She thinks she's a princess... probably because she's the baby!

And now, she's a mom! Well, sort of... she adopted a puppy from our friend who rescues animals. But, she's been a great mommy to little Sam Henry, and he's just a peach. He loves his mom so much and he's just waiting for her to graduate so they can finally live together :)

Love our family time together :)

I hope you've enjoyed hearing a little bit about my pride and joy, Emma, in her graduation edition of my blog :) It's hard to believe that in just a few weeks, she joins the real world with the rest of us. I'm so proud of her! But, in my mind, I think she'll always be my "little" sister.

Love you, Emma!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog...and I love Emma! the best of two worlds. Keep writing, Megan. Congrats, Emma.
