Monday, October 24, 2011

The Reading Room

I know, I know... once again, I'm behind! Normally I like to be more on top of my blog posts, but things at work have been really crazy lately, and I've barely had time to eat lunch everyday much less blog (that's serious, I rarely eat lunch these days!). I have had time to read some good books though, and I wanted to share with you one of the latest.

My coworker, Shay, does a regular book club with some of her friends, and one of her most recent reads was The Violets of March by Sarah Jio. She suggested it to me, and before I even started reading it, I suggested it to another coworker, Michelle (we're thinking of starting our own book club... I'm really excited!). So, Michelle and I read this one together (sort of), and I loved every minute of it!

This book is a love story, mixed with some mystery, and when you throw in a little history, it's a dynamic combination! The author has a way of wrapping you into this story, and before you know it you're so engrossed, you just can't put it down. It's a quick read, and when you're done, you wish there was more! I highly suggest this book, particularly if you like authors such as Jodi Picoult or Sarah Dessen. Pass it on... and if you're interested in joining Michelle and I for a book club, let me know!

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