Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's a Runner's World...

I've never been interested in making New Year's resolutions. In fact, I don't think I've ever made a New Year's resolution. But this year, I thought I would do something different. I used to be a runner. In fact, I used to run a lot. In even more fact (I don't know if that's even a term!), I used to be a heptathlete. So, I thought I would get back to my roots. This year, I want to run a half-marathon.

This was me circa 2007 doing what I did best (or at least tried to do best!): high jumping. I really think that if I tried to do this now, it would not be pretty! So, my motivation is to be get back into this kind of shape. Now, I want to make it clear that I'm not making one of those "I want to lose 10 pounds in 2011" kind of resolutions. Absolutely not. I just want to feel like me again... a runner... and more importantly, in shape! So, here goes nothing!

Now, I'm no fool. I can't get off my couch right now and run a half-marathon. Who would I be kidding? My plan is to start small: perhaps a 5K or two over the spring/summer, and then really hit it hard in the fall with a half-marathon. I have high hopes that I can do it, and, I would love for all of you to hold me accountable!

So, let's throw on our running shoes and make this happen!

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