Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All A-Twitter

I find myself becoming a Twitter junkie. My sister, Lindsay, was the one who got me started about a year and a half ago, and at the time I thought it was ridiculous. Who cares what I have to say in 140-characters or less? Since that time, I've tweeted more than 1,700 thoughts (some of them meaningful, others just rants!). Overall, I think that Twitter has proved itself as a force to be reckoned with. Although Twitter has about half the number of users as Facebook, it was one of the most powerful tools of 2010. Just today, Twitter released The 10 Most Powerful Tweets of 2010, and although I believe there are more than just 10 that should have made the cut, you can view the entire list here.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this list. (Should Ann Curry have been the top tweet? Is a Twitter account poking fun at the BP oil spill really appropriate or powerful? Which others should have made the cut?) Keep in mind while viewing this list that there was no scientific reasoning behind it's development. Biz Stone (a co-founder of Twitter) sat down with the team at the Today Show this morning, and to paraphrase him, it was basically his opinion on which were the most powerful.

Consider this: what makes a tweet powerful? It moves people to action? It inspires change? It makes people laugh? All of the tweets on this review do just that, and that's what we should aim to do as well. Should we be trying to get on the 2011 "most powerful" list? That might be a far stretch. But, my point is this: tweet, Facebook, communicate (whatever!) with purpose! Be the action and the change and the laughs that you wish to see in others.

If you're not already on Twitter, you should be. Don't knock it until you try it because it's one of the best social tools out there right now. It's quick, it's to the point, and it's an outstanding way to get breaking news fast! If you're already on twitter, follow me! I'd love to hear from you there!

Check out the rest of Twitter 2010: Year in Review!

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