Wow. It's been quite a while since I've blogged... and here I thought I would have plenty of time over the summer. I'm a terrible blogger. I apologize.
My summer has been pretty uneventful, and maybe that's the reason for a lack of blogging. I often feel like I don't have anything interesting to talk about. But I guess that's why people follow blogs...
Here's what you missed:
In May, Justin and I took a much needed vacation to the Dominican Republic. Talk about beautiful! We had an amazing week of pure relaxation, and after a couple of busy years since our honeymoon, it was a much needed break.
Buggy rides on the beach! |
Sunset at the beach before dinner |
In June, we went back to Las Vegas with two of our best friends, Wes and Karen, and their cousins Brandon and Kellie. We were there to celebrate Wes's big 30th birthday (which was a little early, because his 30th is actually today!). We had a great time seeing some of our favorite places and checking out some new ones (we didn't skydive this time around, but we did go to the top of Paris, and that was MUCH scarier than skydiving!).
At the Mandalay Bay Aquarium |
The whole gang's here! Kellie, Brandon, Karen, Justin & Wes
At the top of Paris. I wish I could say this was posed, but I was truly paralyzed with fear. The wind was blowing and the whole thing was rocking. Wes was kind enough to hold on to me so Justin could take pictures :)
That was the extent of our travels over the summer (with the exception of a few little things here and there). I did read a few books over the summer. I won't review them for you individually, but they were all fantastic! If you get a chance, pick one up!
I follow a lady on Twitter that often recommends books. I picked this one up on her suggestion. It's quirky, but interesting! |
Even if you've seen the movie, read the book! It's truly phenomenal, and it is so much more revealing than the movie. |
I didn't actually see this movie, but I loved the book. I'm planning to pick up Something Blue soon! |
This book is the freshman reading assignment at the University of Charleston (where I work). It gets a little heavy on the science side, but it's a fascinating insight into the world of cell research and consent. Highly recommend!
This one was just for fun! Chelsea Handler can be crude, but her stories are hysterical. This book is about all of the practical jokes she has played on her family, friends and coworkers. Seriously funny stuff! |
So that's a little bit of what you missed since April (wow, I'm terrible). I promise I'll do better at updating. My job is about to take me on an eight week tour of the state of West Virginia, and I hope to blog from the road with pictures and experiences. (We'll see how that goes!).
Thanks for sticking around...